A Whole New FileManager
FileManager has been DriveHQ's flagship software for nearly a decade now. But who says an old dog can't learn a few new tricks? Read what DriveHQ users have to look forward to with the upcoming release of FileManager 6.0. Followers of our blog can also install the beta version at the bottom of this post!
Improved Performance
While FileManager has always been the best method for users who want top-notch file transfer performance, the tool just became that much more powerful. With new mult-threading technology, FileManager can now upload multiple files simultaneously - with this update, you can schedule a task that has a wide variety of file sizes without having to wait for larger files to upload first. This will make FileManager far more powerful than any standard FTP or drive mapping solution. You can read about advantages of drive mapping on our WebDAV blog
In our field tests, the upload speed was typically 30% to 10 times faster than with previous versions of FileManager and other FTP client software. In some extreme cases, we have customers report upload speeds at over 10MB/s. The actual improvement will depend on the file size and file type. Usually, uploading large files will give the most dramatic performance improvement.
Universal Cloud Integration
Updating your FileManager software will not erase any existing synchronization tasks or break any shortcuts you've created on your local machine. Simply install the latest version using the link at the bottom of this blog and you will see your tasks retained on the synchronization management page. As with past versions of FileManager, your users have the ability of using ftp, WebDAV, or FM, as data is mapped accross the system and universally collaborated on.
File Locking: When you open a local file in MS Office, the file is locked so that other users cannot overwrite your changes. DriveHQ has already supported automatic file locking through our WebDAV drive mapping solution for many years; now FileManager 6.0 also supports file locking. Because FileManager caches data extensively, the locking information may not be updated in real-time. Therefore, FileManager also supports locking or unlocking a file manually, and includes a link to manage all locked files.
Updated User Interface
Though software updates are performed on FileManager monthly, it has been quite some time since the software layout has been updated. Looking at the images below, you can see that our team has reworked FileManager from the ground up.

FileManager 6.0 still gives users the advantage of working with your local and cloud material simultaneously, with a detailed performance panel towards the bottom.
Still to come . . .
With the current version of FileManager, to Tools --> Group Account option will simply bring you to the Group Admin tool on DriveHQ.com. In recent months, we have had users request a tool to create and manage users directly on the FileManager tool. Though this will not be ready for the initial FM 6.0 release, we hope to roll-out a FileManager Group Admin tool shortly.