A Sneak Peak At The New DriveHQ

Having provided cloud services for nearly 13 years, it is often easier said than done to maintain cutting-edge technologies and keeping up-to-date with modern web layouts. While our site has not always been the best to look at, DriveHQ has always prided itself on offering that absolute best technologies and features in the industry.

We are proud to announce that with the help our newest DriveHQ team members, DriveHQ website and software will be receiving a complete redesign. Take a look at the history of DriveHQ's website, and see what users have to look forward to in coming months

The original DriveHQ (2003-2011)

Looking at the oldest version of DriveHQ.com, it is quite obvious that we have been more concerned with the services we provide rather than the aesthetics of the website.

The First Update (2011-2015)

Our first major site update did not take place until nearly a decade after our initial design. While this might appears to be a shortcomming in our internal system upgrades, those who follow and run DriveHQ services know that our FTP, WebDAV, collaboration, and group managements features are constantly being improved.

DriveHQ Reborn (2015)

The pending redesign is our crowning jewel. Not only will the home and feature/services pages be completely revamped, but our engineers have gone the extra mile in redesigning the entire internal layout present to users once they logon to access their DriveHQ content. Click the link below to get a live demo for what is to come with the new DriveHQ.com site.

Visit DriveHQ Beta Site